Peter is a White House Correspondent as well as a field reporter working for NBS.
The character of Reporter Peter is a minor reucrring character who has appeared in all seasons of the series.
Peter was one of the White House Correspondents sitting in the press room when Billy Chambers - former Chief of Staff to former Vice President Sally Langston - publicly announced his resignation as Sally's chief of staff. This was also when he admitted to having an affair with Amanda Tanner there very same intern that President Fitzgerald Grant had a slept with. At the same time Billy admitted that the President took advantage of his power to sleep with Amanda. (Grant: For the People)
A few months later Peter was one of the many reporters that covered the Lindsay Dwyer court case. Following all the way till the shocking verdict. (White Hat's Off)
He went on to cover - along with colleague Reporter Carol - the scandal of Supreme Court nominee Sarah Stanner and her alleged affair, a scandal that Olivia Pope was handling. (Top of the Hour)
- The first time he was referred to as "Peter" was in the Season Two episode A Criminal, A Whore, An Idiot, and A Liar.
Credit Note
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
τ Note: In all other episode appearances not specified above he was credited as "Reporter Peter".